"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21 / Luke 12:34
This may have to do with the deeper values we hold...
with what is important to us
I can see two resources we tend to value the most:
But what about the first one?
What do we do with all our money?
All we have to do is look around...
The benefits of our society and work are every where we look.
We live in a world with "stuff"!
Our little parts of the world usually have
STUFF is just everywhere!
Stuff at work
Stuff in our garages
Stuff in our homes
Stuff all over our lives
The comedian George Carlin riffed on this some...

Here's a story of our stuff - from beginning to end...
And keep in mind this video was made in 2007
Now, it's true that not all companies are bad
and not all companies trash our planet
or treat their employees poorly through low wages and limited or no health insurance, etc.
But... we have a system that leans towards leaving it to the company to decide how to manage all this.
And it is often left to us - the consumers -
...To work through all our stuff...
...And figure out what we are going to do with our stuff
...And figure out what kind of consumers we are...
... And what kind of consumers we want to be
living a life of faith isn't just about
feeling the warm and fuzzy between us and God...
Jesus wasn't killed
because he
healed people
hugged children
He was killed
executed, actually
because he spoke truth to power
a truth that Power didn't want to hear
Truth is we're ALL part of this "Stuff" system.
Whether we're aware of it or not
we've all BOUGHT into this system
None of us by ourselves can fix ALL of this...
but we can all do SOME THINGS to help
The first thing - Step 1
is to admit we're involved
to open our eyes
And then we can Learn!
Get informed
...Educate ourselves
on the Who, What, Where...
and mostly the Why
Doing this stuff doesn't seem quite so "Spiritual"...
But it indeed is also
Putting Our Faith Into Action
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