Thursday, February 22, 2018


Lent can be a time of introspection, of taking to assess our lives; where we stand, where we’ve been going, and how we've been going.

In Middle Class Suburbia, we're blessed in many ways. Sometimes though, we take that blessing for granted. It's easy to live a sheltered life here. We can easily become unaware of things happening around us, blinding ourselves to things happening in the rest of the country, or even the world.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in our "stuff" forget, we take things for granted -- normal things... like clean water.

There are places here in the US that either do not have clean water, or have contaminated water. Imagine what it took for all of us to be aware of the contaminated water in Flint Michigan.

This is a project that helps the very poor people on a Navajo reservation get clean drinking water.

Can you imagine this... not having access to clean drinking water?

Let's not only be grateful for the blessings we do have - functioning roads, a stable government, trust that our children won't get killed at school, clean water and air... just a few things that many others - even here in the US - do not have.

We can all help others, even in some small way, to have a better life... a life many of us often take for granted. May this Lent help us open our eyes - becoming more aware of injustice, of what is right, and what basic human rights are. 

And may the Lord help us recognize our role in all this.


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