Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Life is full of patterns   Habits   Customs   
Often, we do what we do because… we’ve always done them.
Today we start a journey to
      More consciously look deeper…
            Pay more attention…
                      Listen for God…
                            Know that God is already there..
                                     …and has always been there
Lent is not a “thing”
    It’s a process
      It’s a change of mind    of heart    of  focus  
It’s intentionally      tuning-in…   consciously listening…

Maybe you do that by giving something up     or     adding something  
    or being more open
          or listening more
              or paying attention…
                         to the still small voice
                                     to the whisper
                                                …that’s always been there…

We start by remembering we’re mortal
By remembering there’s more to this life than “stuff”
          and places to go
          and people to see
                   …and all this around us will someday end
…and that we really do need God
                             not just in this life, but in the next too
and that we need to return to this source of life.
          Oh, how easy it is to forget
          To turn away
          To forget we are people of light

Time to return… and listen… and be made whole again

God of Ashes, through our blackened foreheads and broken hearts,
proclaim to the world that we are not alone. 
Make us witnesses of grieving well. 
Open our hands and hearts to hold one another’s brokenness
until we are ready to turn it over to you for healing and new life.

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