There’s book from about 20 years or more ago entitled
“A Long Obedience In The Same Direction” – by
Eugene Peterson. I was intrigued by the title… A long obedience in the same direction.
We are a nation of Seekers.
On surveys, and perhaps even in personal conversation, people often
self-identify as interested in spirituality.
The Pew Research group, that organization that keeps their metaphoric fingers
on the spiritual pulse of the American public, often reflects the US public as
still very interested in spiritual matters while at the same time less and less
committed to the traditional Institutional religions.
We really do believe there are answers out there. We really
do believe there is something out there. If only we could find that which
we are looking for. So we seek, we keep looking. We as Americans still
believe! We do believe. We’re
still a people of “faith”… “faith” being
more and more what we want it to mean. We look for God, for the Spirit,
for the “answer”. We do indeed seek.
I remember reading somewhere that if “spirituality” (and things of
the Spirit) were underground water, we’d be well-diggers. We’d be looking
for that water! But, I remember
the writer going on, we have had more and more of a tendency to usually not dig
any one well deep enough to hit the water-table.
We find a place that seems appealing and start digging. But perhaps we get a little bored of digging
in that place (maybe because we don’t see anything happening), so we walk over
to another more attractive location and start digging for water there. And if nothing very interesting happens there…
we move on to another -in our eyes- more interesting place to dig.
The write reflects on us as a spiritual culture, saying that while
we as a whole have a tendency towards spiritual matters, we are less and less
likely to commit to any one particular spiritual discipline long enough to gain
the deepest measure of benefit from them – even if the tradition is one we’ve
formed out of our own searching. Before
the well we’re digging has gotten deep enough, we’ve quit that well, and have
started digging another one somewhere else.
The writers’ point was we dabble in spirituality, without the
long-term commitment to any one practice or discipline of spirituality. Now this may not necessarily be true for us
individually, but it seems to be a collective experience.
But how can we know what “style” of spirituality fits us best
unless we try them? How can we know what “brand” of religion is the best
one for us? How can we commit to a particular discipline if we don’t know
where it will lead? How can we commit to a particular practice, if we
don’t know whether it’s the right one for us?
There really is so much out there to try! They are
indeed important questions – the answers to which can certainly help us on our
spiritual journey. I’m really not knocking
this “discovery” process in any way.
But I also recognize that at some point in our maturation, we are called
to find a place… and steadily dig in one location until we find that well of clear,
life-enriching, water.
I had a seminary professor that would often say, “the bible does
not reveal its secrets to disinterested passers-by.” Well, maybe it does
a little, but I do get his point that – like anything worthwhile in life – depth
comes from persistence. And this is
certainly true with matters of the Spirit as well.
Polls seem to indicate we’re certainly not disinterested… but
maybe more seeking without the discipline of patience – long patience.
So, as Americans, we’re – generally speaking – not too attracted
to a long obedience in the same direction. It’s certainly fun and
interesting to read the latest books on spirituality, prayer, meditation,
etc. But the truth is, reading books -and more books- about
meditation (as interesting as they may be) can’t replace the years and years of
practicing meditation… and gaining the benefits of this practice.
There are indeed pros’ and con’s of both travelling as a tourist
and of being a permanent resident of any particular place. Seeing new places is fun, and there’s a lot
to learn for sure. But certainly the
obvious difference is the permanent resident knows the place in a much deeper
way… a way the tourist could never know.
One could spend a life “touring” –
visiting, seeing new places (even coming back to some old places… for a
while). But usually after a while, we end
up picking a place to life in– to actually live in.
It’s certainly not a bad thing to read about different spiritual
practices, or even to experiment with different disciplines… but I wonder more
and more if that can’t ever replace a spirituality of a long obedience in the
same direction.
Spiritual practices are similar to travelling and living in other areas;
each experience is different in its own way. But if we wish to gain the longer lasting benefits
and elements of a deeper experience, we must put the time in to learn what it
feels like to “live” somewhere long enough.
We must be willing to put the time in to develop the disciplines of patient dedication. We must be willing to invest the time of practice. Like with international travel, while
visiting can certainly be fun… the deeper wisdoms and benefits of long-experience
in a place will always elude the tourist.
A Long Obedience In The Same Direction
Certainly a growing challenge to us
all… but -like wells- the benefits are deep and plentiful!
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